Thursday, June 3, 2010

What if Stoya never emails me? Well, buy her stuff...

Alright peeps, I've decided that, in a piquish bit of dickery, I may not let you know if I can actually get Stoya to email me (although, I have it on good information that A) she knows, and B) has an awesome sense of humor and is taking this in stride! So, thanks for being a good sport!).

The reason I will not divulge this information is two-fold.

 This post has rambled on with enough words, and no pics...have some Stoya.
Image (c) Fetish by Anna

First, by extension of logic: If my endeavor succeeds, then this tactic is potentially inconsiderate...I mean, if she took time to answer lil' ole Shadow, and then everyone bombarded her for requests, and she (or her agent/representatives, etc) were compelled to answer them, the poor woman would never get a moment's rest, much less have time for her many endeavors. And, we all want Stoya to have her beauty rest, right?

Second (and not like I need one) but I really just want an excuse to gawk at/post pictures of the loveliest woman this side of my long-suffering girlie.

I am bound by my own internal dictates of conscience to break up these paragraphs with images that make you pitch a pup tent.

So, what are we --the Stoya fans-- to do, until such time as she emails me? How about support her? That's right. Do you think makeup, shoes, latex, hair dye, gym membership, proper nutrition, sex toys,  and awesome lingerie are cheap? I can attest that they certainly are not...having had to bribe many-a-lady to have sex with me with these expensive baubles.

So, go buy her shit. For instance, if this doesn't make you hot, then you are officially dead. Stoya Sexy Hot, 

Dear lord...

For fuck's sake, it's Stoya and Sasha Grey. What else do you need? At over two hours long, and a ridonkulously cheap $25 bucks at CD Universe., I can think of nothing better for your loved one's stocking.

Until tomorrow -Shadow.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Email me Stoya!

This is not my regular blog, my normal digs are at Gothlaw. This blog serves to fulfill a quest, and that it exists for one reason, and one reason only: To get goth model, actress, starlet and world-class hottie, Stoya to email me...

Until such time as Stoya emails me, I will post a new picture/movie once a day, every day, as a display of my unrequited (if not love, then certainly) adoration and lust.

So, whaddya' say, Stoya? Shoot the Shadow an email.